Telemetry arguments

Each telemetry type is expected to have a file in the telemetryArguments subdirectory of the communication database (see example), which describes the data send for the specific telemetry type. The file must be named like the telemetry type with a .csv ending. It consists of a csv table with three columns. The first row is a header which contains the names of each column. Every other row defines a data point which is sent for this telemetry type:

Column name

Column description


The name of this telemetry data point.


The type of data this telemetry data point represents. It can be a unit or shared type.


An optional human readable description of the telemetry data point.

The following example shows the telemetry arguments for a RESPONSE telemetry type. It specifies that when sending this telemetry it will include an unsigned 8-bit number representing a command number and an array of bytes as value, whose size depends on the shared variable MAX_TELECOMMAND_RESPONSE_SIZE.

Filename: RESPONSE.csv

command number,uint8,The counter number of the command that generated this response.
value,bytes[MAX_TELECOMMAND_RESPONSE_SIZE],The response value of the command.