Telecommand arguments

Telecommands can optionally have arguments. They are declared by providing a file with the same name as the command and the ending .csv in the commandArguments subdirectory of the communication database (see example).

Each file consists of a csv table with four columns and one header row containing the name of each column. Each other row declares one telecommand argument:

Column name

Column description


The name of the telecommand argument.


The type of the data that can be sent via this argument. It can be a unit or shared type.


An optional default value for this argument. This is used in the serializer, if the value was not provided.


An optional human readable description of this argument.

The following example defines an argument for a CALIBRATE_IMU command and defines one argument, imu which is an unsigned 8-bit integer, without a default value.

Filename: CALIBRATE_IMU.csv

imu,uint8,,The IMU to calibrate.

Using all defined arguments, the database will automatically create a constant named MAX_TELECOMMAND_DATA_SIZE, which will contain the maximum size in bytes needed to store the serialized version of their arguments for all commands. It is the maximum amount of bytes needed for any command to transmit its arguments.